Baptism of Fire

This is an apt description of the proverbial birth of my business. As the 2nd of March 2023 marked the 3rd anniversary of my dream turning into reality, I thought it would be appropriate to share moments of my first 1000 days with you.


As with any new venture, my thoughts started in the UK and the NHS. They made a great impression on me with all the support and services available for expecting and new mothers. We started our pregnancy journey with NCT and a group of five other couples. The best support system an expat can ever ask for. 11 years later, we still celebrate the three weeks surrounding the births of our babies.

I had both my girls in the UK in a midwife-led unit with a relaxing atmosphere that was conducive to a positive birth experience. A midwife visited us at home in the first couple of days and we had follow-up visits from a health visitor in the following weeks.

The seed was planted of a ‘one-day’ dream.

Fast forward a few years, and we returned to life back in South Africa, beautiful Hermanus. I want to offer the type of service I was fortunate to experience in the UK, BUT the first reality check stared me in the face.

I don’t know anyone in the medical field in Hermanus, nursing care is structured differently than in the UK, and I am out of sync with healthcare in SA.

Fast forward another four years in the private sector and meeting very intelligent and specialist colleagues and experts in their field. Hermanus has a fountain of knowledge. However, the time came to officially start my new venture on the 2nd of March 2020.

Who would have known that we would be in hard lockdown weeks later?

This was certainly not what I had in mind starting my own business in education and supportive care of new parents and babies. I needed a piece of paper saying, “Essential service”, allowing me to drive around in what seemed like a ghost town, to do home visits with a mask on. It didn’t seem like a positive time to have babies, as moms had to brave it on their own in the maternity wards. Everybody was nervous about the latest strain of Covid doing its rounds and mothers and babies bonded in isolation away from a very important social support network... other moms. No group classes or social coffee mornings were allowed for expecting and new parents during year ONE.

The next two years were tough. One step forward and what felt like leaps backwards. So, it went through the ups and downs of a new business. Financial worries were real. Guilt trips of my own regarding my career change. Was it the right decision? I blamed myself a few times for choosing biology above business economics. Then there is Social Media Management. That was never a subject option for me, so personal progress to get Facebook and Instagram off the ground was a massive learning curve! Education in a digital era has its challenges and benefits, as I am finding out every day.

20 years of clinical nursing in hospitals, with a diploma in paediatrics, midwifery, psychiatry, community, adult, BLS instructor qualification, countless courses and learning opportunities and super knowledgeable people, colleagues and friends crossed my path.

Today, I can share this knowledge collated over the last years and help prepare expecting parents for the arrival of their young. I can support and educate new parents in their journey with their babies. I switched from curative nursing and working with sick and unhealthy babies, to the side of health promotion, prevention and education.

Happy Birthday to NICS BABY CONSULTANCY on surviving the first three years!

I have a ‘toddler’ when it comes to business. Certainly, growth has happened, and I am immensely grateful for all the blessings and support from my family, friends, Hermanus community, and colleagues during the past three years.

As the saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child, I certainly need(ed) that to create a service that can benefit the paediatric community.

Although I learned (and still learning) the hard way, following the slow or longer route or taking the less ‘scenic’ path when it comes to building my dream. With guidance from Above, I will continue learning, continue supporting and continue teaching for the next years to come.

Celebrate with me, the launch of my beautiful website designed by @kelpcreative.

Please give me feedback on the look, the user-friendliness and what you would like to see in future support via this website.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Much love,

Nicolene x


New Year’s Wishes 2024